Many families dream about the warm summer days when they can get out on their balcony and enjoy a few good meals or watch the sun go down. But when wasps decide to take residence on your balcony,...
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Gardening is therapeutic and rewarding as it brings together honest effort with aesthetics and living space design. If your balcony is small, you don't need to worry because there's a real art to...
A midge is a small fly and includes several types of mosquitoes as well. They are found on pretty much every land area, whether during the summer season or all year round, with the exception of...
Though they typically take less space than patios, balconies are considered by many as 'floating patios.' Unfortunately, for all their usability and aesthetic benefits, these multi-functional...
Birds are attractive in any outdoor space. Seeing their magnificent colors and listening to their harmonious melodies around a feeder on your balcony is one of the best ways to take in the beauty of...
A balcony is one of the most attractive features of an apartment. However, a leaky balcony in disrepair can completely negate the nice features of a deck space. To ensure your balcony stays as an...