9 Tips to Clean Pigeon Poop Off a Concrete Balcony

Pigeon poop, as well as other bird species’ feces, can be extremely detrimental for balconies, monuments, and outdoor furniture. When it comes down to cleaning such debris types, it is essential to understand that bird poop can carry diseases and needs to be addressed adequately. Moreover, depending on the type of balcony floor, there are different methods to use.

To clean pigeon poop off a concrete balcony start by scraping off as much feces as possible. Using a hose, dishwashing liquid, and the necessary protective gear (gloves, etc.), you can remove the rest of the poop off the balcony. Prevention or regular care is essential to keep your balcony clean and safe.

Read on to learn all the best tips to clean pigeon poop off your balcony – and keep it off!

1. Scrape Off the Poop to Reduce the Amount to Clean

What you see as black and white spots on your balcony is not only pigeon poop but a mix of feces and urine. The substance is a product of the digestive systems of pigeons, which process common foods such as seeds, worms, insects, and berries. 

Aside from the fact that these substances can be highly detrimental to your balcony look and style, there are also some other downsides to keep in mind. Pigeon poop can carry diseases, and can make your balcony unsafe.

Since cleaning bird poop by hand can be tricky, start by getting rid of all dry debris before scrubbing the area with a sponge. You can do so with a plastic scraper, but you should keep in mind that whatever you decide to use might need to be thrown away. 

Once the dry sections of the matter have been scraped off, you can move onto the next tip. 

2. Use a Hose to Remove Debris

Using a hose or tube, wash and rinse the area entirely. Particles and debris of pigeon poop that you had scraped off might deposit on surfaces around you. Make sure that all furniture is adequately covered. 

If you are equipped with a hose, use it to flush the debris. To do so, use high-pressure settings that can help you actually get rid of the debris – not just move them along the balcony! 

Indeed, the biggest risk of this part of the operation is that you end up accumulating some poop particles in another area of the balcony.

3. Spot Clean With Liquid Dishwashing Liquid

Once a large part of debris has been eliminated from your concrete balcony, you only have to deal with the remaining spots that stain the floor, railing, and furniture. Each type of material might need different products to be cleaned efficiently and without issues. 

However, generally, standard dishwashing liquid that is present is most households will do the trick. For best results, use a gentle one and repeat the step as many times as needed. 

If you are not sure about this method’s safety, you can either opt for using baking soda or spot test the detergent you have picked on a hidden side of the balcony.

4. Scrub the Remaining Poop With a Brush

Once you have applied the detergent, wait for it to affect the stain. Using a brush with stiff bristles, scrub the surface until all the pigeon poop has come off the surface.

Depending on the brush you have used, and how stubborn the stains are, you might need to repeat this balcony cleaning process several times to ensure all the dirt is gone. On concrete, you should not be afraid of ruining the look of the floor. 

However, if you are proceeding with this step on wood flooring, you should first speak with an expert regarding what type of detergent and brush you should be using. 

5. Flush the Dirt off the Balcony or Absorb It

Once all the debris has been scraped off, use the hose you had used before to flush the debris, dust, and dirt off the balcony or away from your living area. If you can’t do so because of the balcony or local rules’ location, absorb any remaining dirt with a sheet of absorbent paper. 

Since this balcony cleaning method is not as effective as flushing the whole area, you might need to repeat it until all the dirt is gone.

6. Sanitize the Area

Once the balcony is clean, use your normal detergent to mop the whole balcony again. This step will ensure that no debris or pieces of the matter are left around. 

Once you have mopped with detergent and the balcony is drying, the last step to complete is to use a sanitizer to get rid of the risk of infections and contagions deriving from illnesses potentially carried by pigeon poop.

You can either do this by sanitizing a specific area or use a mop to sanitize the whole balcony. While more time consuming, this second choice can help you create an even safer environment that can be enjoyed by kids and babies as well. 

7. Ensure Your Balcony Completely Dries

Once you have washed the poop off and you have mopped and sanitized the whole balcony, don’t rush back out! Allow it to dry to avoid the risk of slipping. Allowing the balcony to dry makes sure it is completely clean before you and your little ones walk on it.

Ultimately it is essential to leave enough time for the chemicals to dry and evaporate instead of sticking on the surface. 

8. Wear Adequate Gear Throughout the Cleaning Process

It is easy to think about cleaning poop on the client like a standard, harmless task that you can complete without any help at any point. However, some diseases carried by birds poop, such as flu-like illnesses, can be extremely severe, especially in individuals that are naturally more prone to it. 

Moreover, some bird droppings, including pigeons, also contain a fungus that, if breathed in for prolonged time frames, can cause infections.

Therefore, when you are attempting to clean such droppings, make sure you are wearing thin plastic gloves and a face covering. Ideally, you would also use goggles and ensure to be covered with clothes from the neck down. 

If a portion of your skin is exposed to the droppings, it might not cause damage. But, you can touch it and then touch your face – which can lead to related health conditions.

9. Remember: Balcony Maintenance is Key!

Once you have successfully removed all bird droppings from a balcony, it is time to eliminate the chance of this happening again. Getting rid of pigeons can be hard, especially if you don’t know where to start. 

However, some tricks can prevent these birds from dwelling and resting above your balcony or in the space under your roof. This is an essential step to stop them from relieving themselves onto your balcony. 

If you wish to find a pigeon solution that works for you, check out the video below.


Bird poop is a mix of feces and bird uring deriving from digested pigeon food such as worms, insects, and, sometimes, berries. Pigeon poop can carry diseases and illnesses, and immediately taking care of it is essential to ensure that your balcony remains a safe and comfortable place for the whole family. 

Preventing pigeons and other birds from landing on or above your balcony is crucial to lowering the risk of bird poop. However, if you can’t stop them from dwelling above your balcony, start by scraping the poop and then wash the area with a tube or hose.

LaShawn Toyoda

I love home decor, DIY, and gardening. During my free time I enjoy looking for new ways to improve my home so that it's more organized, comfortable, and relaxing. My apartment in Japan has a small balcony with a great view. I created this site to share and get ideas for how to decorate and better utilize my balcony space.

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